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Structured Medication Review




1.      What is a Structured Medication Review?

      • A Structured Medication Review is a private, confidential discussion between you and a clinical pharmacist or another suitably qualified healthcare professional to discuss your
      • The aim of the medication review is to check that you are prescribed the most appropriate medicines and that you get the best out of those
      • Some tests may need to be carried out to determine whether your medicine is working (e.g. blood pressure checks) – N.B. Physical checks will not be possible if carrying out the review remotely, but efforts will be made to arrange for these checks to be carried out if
      • Monitoring may also be necessary if you are taking certain medication, such as, blood
      • You will be asked how you are getting on with your medicines, so please inform your healthcare professional of any problems you may be experiencing with your
      • You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your
      • If any changes need to be made to your medication, your agreement will be sought before changes are
      • A record of the review will be documented in your medical


2.      Make a list of all medication that you take.


This includes:

      • Any medicines that are prescribed for
      • Any medicines that you buy over the counter from the chemist or supermarket or other stores e.g. herbal medicines, vitamins
      • Any medicines that you no longer take. N.B: If you are not able to or haven’t managed to make a medication list, please ensure to have access to all your medicines prior to the medication


3.      Make a list of questions that you may want to ask about your medicines.


Some questions that you may wish to consider:

      • Why is it important to take this medicine(s)?
      • When and how to take the medicine(s)?
      • How long is the medicine(s) to be taken for?
      • How do I know the medicine is working?
      • What should I do if I have problems with the medicine?
      • Are there any medicines or food that I should avoid taking whilst on these medicine(s)?
      • What will happen if I miss a dose of the medicine or stop taking it? 


4.      After the medication review:


      • Your regular GP will be informed of any medication changes agreed by you at the
      • A summary of the meeting will be documented in your medical
      • Any tests or referrals to other health care professionals if required will be agreed and acted


N.B. It may not be possible to discuss all of the issues surrounding your medications within one appointment and a follow-up appointment may be required.