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Home Visits

Plas Ffynnon Doctor Visiting Guidelines

The following system has been devised along the lines of a traffic light system to try to improve access to GP services for all our patients. To ensure that the best use is made of your GP services please attend the Surgery wherever possible. If you really require a home visit please call as soon as possible in the day – the Doctors do their visits over lunchtime and late visit requests can be very disrupting, although we do appreciate it is not always easy to predict.

GREEN LIGHT (visit recommended)For terminally ill patients, and the truly housebound.
AMBER LIGHT (visit may be useful)On occasions where, after consultation with a health professional, it is agreed that a seriously ill patient may be helped by a visit.
RED LIGHT (visit is not usual or useful)In most of the following cases a visit would not be an appropriate use of your Doctor’s time:

- Common illnesses such as most childhood illnesses
- abdominal pain
- headaches
- coughs and diarrhoea/vomiting

In these cases patients are usually well enough to travel. More accurate diagnosis is possible in the Surgery. Please remember it is not harmful to wrap up a child with a fever and take them to the Surgery to be seen.

If you do not have a car there are usually friends, family, neighbours or taxi services able to help.